About us

Volunteer Great Lake Taupō was founded in March 2022.

We support volunteers and organisations that need volunteers to make volunteering easy and fun.


Our mobile office is out and about in the community. Just contact our co-ordinator for a time to meet.


Members of the Taupō Council of Social Services.


We collect data to ensure we make suitable matches. The information we collect is:
Your name
Contact details
Your interests and experience
Time availability

We only share your data with the organisation that you are matched with.

We are dedicated to advancing volunteering for the economic, social, cultural & environmental wellbeing of the Greater Lake Taupō Community.

A community is only as good as its members and volunteers are many of those who make the community successful. They are the 'life blood' of the community giving their time, energy and skills freely for the common good. Volunteers undoubtedly make a difference while enhancing their own wellbeing and enjoyment of life.

As Volunteer Great Lake Taupō evolves, we are finding and hearing about more and more organisations who need volunteer help. Membership is free and our goal is to find suitable volunteers for each and every organisation.